Experimental linguistics
Roberts, David, Matthew Harley & Stephen L. Walter (2022). The contribution of full tone marking to oral reading fluency and comprehension in Yoruba and Ife. Written Language and Literacy. 25:2, 254-283
Roberts, David & Stephen L. Walter eds (2021). Tone orthography and literacy: The voice of evidence in ten Niger-Congo languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Roberts, David, Dana Basnight-Brown & Valentin Vydrin (2019). Marking tone with punctuation: An orthography experiment in Eastern Dan. In (ed.) Yannis Haralambous, Proceedings of the conference "Grafematik: Graphemics in the 21st century from graphemes to knowledge", 315-349. Brest, France: Fluxus.
Roberts, David & Steven L. Walter (2016). Writing morphophonology, reading lexical tone: Quantitative evidence in favor of morphographic spelling in Kabiye (Togo). Writing Systems Research 8:2.167-186.
Roberts, David, Stephen L. Walter and Keith Snider (2016). Neither deep nor shallow: A classroom experiment testing the orthographic depth of tone marking in Kabiye (Togo). Language and Speech 59:1.113–138. Download.
Roberts, David & Stephen L. Walter (2012). Writing grammar rather than tone: An orthography experiment in Togo. Written Language and Literacy 15:2, 226-253. Download.
Roberts, David (2011). Autosegmental and pedagogical considerations in preparation for a tone orthography experiment. Journal of West African Languages 38:2, 87-106. Download.
Roberts, David (2008). Thirty years of tone orthography testing in West African languages (1977-2007). Journal of West African Languages 35:1-2, 199-242. Download.