Writing systems research

Roberts, David, Amalia Bar-On & Elinor Saigh-Haddad (2023). Heterophonic homography in African and Semitic: Comparing the functions of tones and vowels. Paper presented at the 14th International Workshop on Writing Systems and Literacy, Temple University, Rome, 10-12 November 2023. Download

Roberts, David (2017). Tone orthography in Africa: Past, Present and Future. Keynote paper presented at the 11th International Workshop on Writing Systems and Literacy, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan, 29 - 31 August 2017. Download

Roberts, David (2015). Ten good reasons for not testing a tone orthography. Paper presented at the SIL tone orthography workshop, Jos, Nigeria, 30 May 2015. Download

Roberts, David (2014). Laying a foundation for tone orthography research and decision making: the Kabiye homograph corpus. Paper presented at the 9th International Workshop on Writing Systems and Literacy. University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 4-5 September 2014. Download

Roberts, David (2011). La graphie tonale du préfixe de modalité du lointain en kabiyè. [The tone orthography of the distant modal prefix in Kabiye]. Paper presented at the LLACAN Opération de recherche 1.2 "Modélisations de la description grammaticale, 10 June 2011, Paris. Download

Roberts, David (2010). Défis liés à une représentation opaque du ton dans l'orthographe du kabiyè. [Challenges with a deep representation of tone in the Kabiye orthography]. Paper presented at the Journée Scientifique du LLACAN-CNRS, Paris, 10 December 2010. Download

Roberts, David (2008). L’orthographe du ton: Nouvelles approches méthodologiques [Tone orthography: New methodological approaches]. Paper presented at the 26th West African Languages Conference, Winneba, Ghana, 23 July - 3 August 2008. Download

Roberts, David (2008). L’orthographe du ton dans les langues béninoises [Tone orthography in Beninese languages]. Paper presented at the Atelier sur la révision des outils d’écriture des langues béninoises, Lokoso, Bénin, 29-31 May 2008. Download

Roberts, David (2006). La graphie tonale des langues africaines à la lumière de la psychologie cognitive de la lecture [African tone orthographies in the light of the cognitive psychology of reading]. Paper presented at the 25th West African Linguistic Congress, Ouidah, Benin, 30 July – 6 August 2006.

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