
Roberts, David (2016). Les tons s’associent aux mots entiers : Une analyse des nominaux en kabiyè. [Tones associate to whole words: An analysis of Kabiye nouns]. Paper presented at LLACAN-CNRS, Villejuif, France, 15 June 2016. Download

Roberts, David (2013). The integration of English loanwords into the indigenous languages of Francophone Africa. Paper presented at the Department of English Language & Literature, University of Haifa, Israel, 20 November 2013 (invited speaker). Download

Roberts, David (2011). Unités porteuses de ton et syllabes trimoraiques en kabiyè. [Tone bearing units and trimoraic syllables in Kabiye]. Paper presented at the LLACAN-CNRS doctoral students seminar, 13 July 2011, Paris.

Roberts, David (2005). The tone bearing unit in Kabiye: Syllable or mora? Paper presented at the 4th Gur Colloquium, Bayreuth University, Germany, 12 - 14 October 2005.

Roberts, David (2004). Tonal processes in the Kabiye verb phrase. Paper presented at the 24th West African Linguistics Conference, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 1 - 6 August 2004. Download

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